Writing is a challenging and enjoyable endeavor. Flash fiction requires economy and directness in your style. You don't have pages for backstory (exposition). You don't even have much time to create your story world (setting). For a story between 300 to 1000 words, you must grab the reader in the first paragraph. In my stories, the first paragraph usually includes the story world, the main character and the problem (conflict/obstacle), and sometimes even a hint at the theme. The title can also help you engage the reader. Of course, sometimes you can't write your story in less than 1000 words. There are magazines that consider flash fiction up to 1500 words, so search duotrope.com and check magazine submission guidelines. Most magazines publish flash fiction and are more receptive to your stories (they can include more shorter stories than longer ones). But remember that the quality of the story is the most important element, not the length. If the story is good, you can get it published.
This class will teach you the difference between traditional structure and organic structure. The best source for learning how to write organic fiction is "Story Trumps Structure" by Steven James. If you get and use this book, you are on the road to being published. I use this method to write my stories and have had every story I've written (nearly 150) published in a magazine or literary journal.
Before you start:
Get the free kindle reading app for your phone, tablet or computer https://www.amazon.com/b?node=16571048011
Look at "How to get free kindle books" https://www.cloudwards.net/free-kindle-books/
Take a look at the stories by master writers at the bottom of this page.
Best books recommended for this class:
"Story Trumps Structure" by Steven James, the definitive text for Organic Writing
"Delve, Pivot, Propel" by Steven James, an expanded guide with over 350 writing secrets.
Other books to enhance your writing:
"On Writing" by Stephen King, his autobiography on how writers are formed
"The Art of Fiction" by John Gardner, a craft guidebook to writing fiction
"Bird by Bird: some instructions on writing and life" by Anne Lamott, a good book for your writing journey
Course agenda and homework (homework is always optional)
Week 1 - What is a Story? Imagination and overview of the creative writing process
* Show Einstein quote: "Imagination is more important than knowledge"
The five elements of creative fiction:
1. Story World
2. Characters and Dialogue
3. Plot and Structure
4. Conflict and Resolution
5. Theme
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to define the five main elements of creative fiction
* Students will be able to create a basic story world
* Students will be able to compare and contrast ‘slice of life’ versus ‘well made stories’
* Students will be able to find resources for the class
Class exercises:
* Story is a story world, plus characters and obstacles.
* Write details about your story world. Describe the setting and time period.
* Write down a few possible story worlds for your work.
* What is a story premise? What if questions. Write down a few and discuss.
* Write down three strong emotional experiences from your life.
* Write down an idea for a slice of life story.
Homework (always optional)
* Read “How to create a believable world for your characters” at https://thewritelife.com/worldbuilding/
* Read my story "Preheat the Microwave.Com" at: https://cafestories.net/stories-you-can-read
* Write more details about your story world. Describe the setting and time period.
* Send me your best premise and story world for feedback jgauthor@icloud.com
The Structure of Story - Your Story World. How stories are constructed
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to define one or two story worlds for their stories and share them in class.
* Students will be able to describe a “circular ending” in fiction.
* Students will be able to describe “irony” in fiction.
* Students will be able to compare traditional structure with organic writing
Class exercises:
* Traditional story construction vs the Organic writing method
* Show slides detailing Organic writing
* Share your thoughts about the World Building article you read for homework.
* Show slides on beginning and ending of stories.
* Write how you might begin and end a story?
* Read my story "Who Stole Asbury Park" at: https://cafestories.net/stories-you-can-read (Note the circular ending)
* Read my story "Anything but Indian Food" at: https://cafestories.net/stories-you-can-read (Note the ironic ending)
Homework (always optional)
* Write more detail about your story world. Begin thinking about your characters.
* Begin your 300-500 word story; when you are ready, send it to me for feedback jgauthor@icloud.com
Week 2 - Conflict and Resolution - How to get in and out of trouble
Lesson objectives:
* Students will describe conflict and tension in a story and give examples
* Students will create some possible conflicts and resolutions
* Students will discover Scapple as a writing tool
* Students will be able to use tension in writing
Class exercises:
* Write down some possible conflicts and resolutions you could use
* Write down examples of tension. How could tension increase engagement in your story?
* Begin building your plot for your story world. Sketch out events in a plot map (by hand or you might use Scapple).
* Show Steven James' graphic for building conflict
* Ask "what happens next?"
* Read Eudora Welty’s viewpoint on short stories at: https://bit.ly/2MK4oEy
Homework (always optional)
* Read a story by one of the short story masters (see bottom of page)
* Continue working on your story. Add a difficult choice or two that your character has to make.
* Begin building your plot for your story world.
Genres and Subgenres - what do you like?
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to identify different genres in writing
* Students will select one or two genres for their stories
* Students will be able to use Duotrope.com to assign their story to a market
* Students will be able to write a college love story
Class exercises:
* Think about your favorite television shows or movies; what genres are they written in?
* Consider the genre that you would like to write in.
* Open Duotrope.com and show how genres define a market.
* Check out "How to Write a Love Story" at: https://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Love-Story
* Begin writing a college love story.
Homework (always optional)
* Read my story "Can't Buy Me Love" at https://cafestories.net/stories-you-can-read
* Continue working on your college love story.
* What is steampunk? https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-steampunk-definition/
* Explore Duotrope.com for markets and genres
Week 3 - Openings and Endings - the short and winding road
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to explain the importance of a good beginning
* Students will select an ending type that they can use
* Students will continue writing their college love story
Class exercises:
* Show examples of openings and possible endings
* Choose an ending type that you like.
* Review your story elements.
* Expand your college love story to 500 words.
Homework (always optional)
* Read a story by one of the short story masters (see bottom of page)
* Review your story elements. Make sure your story has all five.
* Send me your college love story for feedback (jgauthor@icloud.com)
* Read one or two stories by master story writers (links at bottom of page)
* Read "The Gift of the Magi" by O. Henry at http://bit.ly/2h0LB6d and also the analysis at http://bit.ly/2h0LB6d
Characters - Putty People and Pebble People - Your actors carry the story
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to compare putty people and pebble people and give examples of how characters can change in a story
* Students will be able to create a few character profiles
* Students will be able to expand their story world
Class exercises:
* Demonstrate putty and pebble, how characters change
* Ask students to give examples of how characters can change
* Show character profile sheet slides
* Sketch out some character profiles. Provide details about their appearance, personality and motivations.
* Create a character profile. Explain how the character might change
* Show Scapple and how it can be used to link characters
* Show https://www.masterclass.com/articles/guide-to-all-the-types-of-characters-in-literature
Homework (always optional)
* Read my story "The Waiting Room" (https://bit.ly/3qZVbtT) How or why did the woman disappear?
* Humor and Style. Read a story by Woody Allen at: https://bit.ly/2ME2Xr4
* Read my story The Sonoma Murder Mystery at: https://cafestories.net/stories-you-can-read Were you able to solve the mystery before the end?
* Watch videos from Adam Skelter https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHw-MoPtkled9YCbANizBC0L5IOnFPwQ3
Week 4 - Themes, Plots and Subplots - Theme and the importance of a universal message
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to describe plot and give examples.
* Students will be able to show an example of plot in writing.
* Students will be able to differentiate between plots and subplots
* Students will be able to recognize themes in stories
* Students will be able to define literary themes and give examples
* Students will be able to describe literary devices and give examples
* Students will make a list of difficult choices a character may have to make.
Class exercises:
* Show theme examples; ask students to select a theme or two on their worksheet
* Explain how plots and subplots are used
* Review the 20 and 36 plot types by Tobias and Polti
* Select one of the plot types and sketch out notes about that style.
* Read my story "UFO" https://bit.ly/3Dxb2oI How would Tony’s life change if someone else saw the UFO?
* Think about your major life decisions. (i.e. different school, relationship, job, place to live, etc) Where would you be today if you followed another path?
* Sketch out a story where a character has to make a decision (i.e. two equally good or difficult decisions) and say where each choice would lead him/her
* Make a list of difficult choices a character would have to make.
* check out the Plot Type Assessment https://bit.ly/49HxP0M thanks to Joe Bunting at The Write Practice
Homework (always optional)
* Sketch out your longer short story (500 - 1500 words). Think about your theme, characters, plot, conflicts and story world.
* Add at least one subplot to your story.
* Read my story "The Tightrope" at: https://cafestories.net/stories-you-can-read Think about the theme and subplot
Dialogue and Subtext -what is said and unsaid, but understood
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to distinguish between dialogue and subtext
* Students will be able to give examples of subtext (non verbal)
* Students will be able to distinguish between showing and telling a story.
Class exercises:
* Show video clips of subtext
* Students will write a paragraph that includes subtext (e.g. by showing, not telling)
Homework (always optional)
* Work on your longer short story. Add a difficult choice or two that your character has to make.
* Read both very short stories by James Thurber at: https://bit.ly/2Pf38pB
* Read Before the Law by Franz Kafka at: https://bit.ly/1INI82o
* Read my story "The Devil’s Orchestra" https://bit.ly/3J7Ops5. How did choices change the main character?
Week 5 - Story vs Discourse
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to distinguish between showing and telling in writing
* Students will compare discourse as telling and story as showing
* Students will be able to identify telling and showing in stories
* Students will write a short scene with dialogues
Class exercises:
* Compare story vs discourse (folding and unfolding)
* Write down examples of showing and telling.
* Ask students to write two paragraphs, one folding and one unfolding
* Write a scene between two characters. Make sure you show (don’t tell) what they are thinking and feeling.
Homework (always optional)
* Read two stories by short story masters (links at bottom of page)
* Keep working on your longer story.
Software and Publishing your story - reward for your work
Lesson objectives:
* Students will be able to find and evaluate writing software on the Internet
* Students will be able to write with emotions (Angela Ackerman’s books)
* Students will be able to use plot generators, writing prompts and character ideas online.
* Students will be able to use Duotrope to search for magazines that publish stories.
* Students will share stories in class and get positive and constructive feedback.
* Students will edit and improve their stories in preparation for publication
* Introduce AI for writing
Class exercises:
* Go to duotrope.com and demonstrate how to find a market
* Show a website for submission guidelines
* Show an example of the story format for submission and cover letter
* Read "The Bathhouse" by Mikhail Zoshchenko at (https://bit.ly/37ctJlq)
* Watch Scene Dynamics at: http://bit.ly/2zSbrmO
* show Angela Ackerman's books on writing emotions
* Work on one of your stories. Share with someone in the class.
* Do a search on Duotrope that matches your flash fiction story.
* Change parameters to give you additional results (e.g. word count, genre, sub genre, topic)
* Select one or two markets that match your story.
* Show AI review site: http://bit.ly/3ZTKKrt Try it out!
Homework (always optional)
* Use Duotrope to find a market(s) for your story. Make sure your story meets the submission requirements.
* Revise your story by eliminating excess words, substituting telling with showing and tightening up paragraphs and transitions.
* Use Duotrope to find a market(s) for your story. Make sure your story meets the submission requirements.
* Submit your story to a market (see my list below) or choose one yourself.
* Send me a copy of your flash fiction (shorter) story.
* Let me know when your story is accepted for publication so I can celebrate your success!
Pixar's 22 Rules for Storytelling
The Write Practice Guide to Publishing a Short Story (a 4 part series)
* Find Your Publication and Idea https://thewritepractice.com/how-to-publish-a-short-story/
* Write your first and second drafts https://thewritepractice.com/how-to-publish-a-short-story-first-draft/
* Final draft https://thewritepractice.com/how-to-publish-a-short-story-final-draft/
* Submit https://thewritepractice.com/how-to-publish-a-short-story-submit/
The Write Practice article on Genres and sub genres
The Writer's Dictionary (what does that word mean?)
Rules for writing paragraphs
This is important. Large blocks of writing make it difficult for readers. Read the article above, but here are the three times you need to start a new paragraph:
1. When you start a new topic
2. When you change time or location
3. When a new character begins to speak
Craft Articles Written by the Flash Fiction Magazine Editing Team
* How to Craft a Killer Opening Line by Sean Cunningham
* How to Not Be Boring by By Austin Ross
* Using Your Uniqueness to Make Readers Care About Your Story by Susan Jessen
* How to Develop Characters in Flash Fiction by Allison Renner
How to Craft a Killer Opening Line by Sean Cunningham
How to Develop Characters in Flash Fiction by Allison Renner
How to Not Be Boring by Austin Ross
Using Your Uniqueness to Make Readers Care About Your Story by Susan Jessen
How to Make Every Word Count by Keely Gardiner
Avoid Dead Ends—Creating an Impactful Flash Fiction Story Ending by Susan Jessen
How to Start and (Actually) Finish that Piece of Flash Fiction by Shanna Yetman
How to Tighten Sentences Without Losing Your Voice by Cecilia Kennedy
How to Weave Objects Through Your Flash Fiction Stories by Ellie Jacobson
More from Flash Fiction Magazine
12 Submission Tips to Increase Your Odds of Getting Published
8 Flash Fiction Editing Tips
Top 10 Reasons Flash Fiction Stories Get Rejected
Writing prompts to get you started!
50 Flash Fiction Prompts to Inspire You
62 Great Flash Fiction Story Prompts
100 Awesome Flash Fiction Writing Prompts
101 Great Adventure Story Prompts
100 Creative Writing Prompts
70 Mystery Writing Prompts
More Writing Prompts
30 Story Starters from Steven James' new book "The Art of the Tale"
1.You saw a bridge emerge between two things, ideas, or people.
2.You looked into someone's eyes and realized something.
3.You felt pain over the loss of a loved one.
4.You experienced joy over seeing a loved one.
5.You witnessed a teacher bring about peace.
6.You were afraid of dying.
7.You felt rejection.
8.You peeled off a mask you were wearing.
9.You tried to forgive, but couldn't.
10.You stood up for someone else.
11.You abandoned the rat race.
12.You redefined your view of success.
13.You were lost.
14.You were found.
15.You were almost killed.
16.You witnessed new life.
17.You flirted with death/disaster.
18.You were given a second chance.
19.You weren't caught doing something wrong.
20.You experienced discrimination.
21.You had butterflies in your stomach.
22.You knew you were going to panic.
23.You felt paralyzed.
24.You were angry at injustice.
25.You witnessed hypocrisy.
26.You realized people don't spend time on important things.
27.You fit in when you should have stood out.
28.You stood out when you should have fit in.
29.You longed to make up for a wrong you'd done.
30.A dream came true.
More writing advice from Steven James and Tom Morrisey (from the new book "The Art of the Tale".
What to remember when sharing multicultural stories
Two Tips for Adding Humor to the Stories You Tell
Showing vs Telling in Fiction - here is what my AI server gave me
Certainly! Here are some examples that illustrate the difference between showing and telling in fiction writing:
- The teacher was angry.
- John was sad about his dog's death.
- The house was old and run-down.
- The teacher's face flushed red and she slammed her fist on the desk.
- John's eyes welled up with tears as he gently pet his dog's unmoving body.
- The house's paint was peeling, the shutters hung crooked, and the porch steps sagged under John's weight.
In the "telling" examples, the descriptions are more direct and abstract. The reader is simply told the emotion or state of being.
In the "showing" examples, more vivid details and actions are used to convey the same information. The reader can visualize the scenes and infer the underlying emotions and states.
Showing allows the reader to experience the story through the character's perspective, rather than being told what to think or feel. It engages the reader's senses and imagination more effectively.
Some additional examples:
Telling: The girl was beautiful.
Showing: Her long golden hair cascaded in soft waves, framing a face of delicate features and captivating green eyes.
Telling: The man was a kind neighbor.
Showing: The man always smiled and waved when he saw the children playing in the yard, sometimes bringing them freshly baked cookies.
Absolutely, here are some more examples contrasting showing vs telling in fiction writing:
- The room was messy.
- The boss was rude to his employees.
- The sunset was beautiful.
- Clothes were strewn across the floor, books and papers covered every flat surface, and a layer of dust coated the windowsill.
- The boss sneered as he criticized the latest report, ignoring the hurt looks on his employees' faces.
- The sky burst into a fiery display of oranges and reds, painting the clouds in vibrant hues as the sun dipped below the horizon.
- The young girl was nervous about her first day of school.
- The old man was lonely.
- The food tasted delicious.
- Her stomach twisted in knots and her palms felt clammy as she approached the towering school building.
- He stared out the window for hours, watching the world pass him by from the confines of his empty house.
- Juices dribbled down her chin as she sank her teeth into the warm, flaky pastry, the sweet filling exploding with flavor.
- The house was haunted.
- The soldier was brave.
- The teacher was passionate about her subject.
- Floorboards creaked without a breeze, shadows shifted in the corner of her eye, and a cold chill ran down her spine whenever she entered the old Victorian home.
- He charged into the fray, rifle blazing, heedless of the enemy fire whizzing past him as he pushed to secure the strategic hilltop.
- Her eyes lit up with excitement as she gesticulated wildly, words spilling out in a rapid, animated cadence as she described the intricacies of the Renaissance period.
Grammar Checkers and Readability:
Part of being a good writer is expressing yourself clearly and allowing your reader to understand without question. Here are two apps that will help you do that: Grammarly and Hemingway. Both programs are available on the web.
Grammarly is a grammar checker. It analyzes your writing and makes recommendations for improving and/or correcting grammatical errors.
Hemingway is a readability app that analyzes your writing, gives it a score (lowest grade is best) and highlights passages that you need to work on.
An article on Hemingway:
Suggested markets:
Use Duotrope.com to find a market(s) for your story. Make sure you read and follow the submission guidelines carefully. Some magazines allow reprints but most magazines want original, unpublished stories. Some magazines allow for simultaneous submissions but some do not. If you submit to any of these magazines, please mention you were in my class.
Flash Fiction Magazine - https://flashfictionmagazine.com
The Short Humour Site (UK) - http://www.short-humour.org.uk
The Piker Press - https://www.pikerpress.com
Cafe Lit (UK) - https://cafelit.co.uk
Potato Soup Journal - http://potatosoupjournal.com
Bewildering Stories - http://www.bewilderingstories.com
The Scarlet Leaf Review (Canada) - https://www.scarletleafreview.com
The Feathered Flounder - https://thefeatheredflounder.submittable.com/submit
The Glass Coin (Canada) - https://jodicleghorn.wordpress.com/tag/the-glass-coin/
List of magazines that publish flash fiction at: https://thejohnfox.com/flash-fiction-submissions/
Other Places to Publish Your Story
http://www.authorspublish.com/11-approachable-literary-journals/ http://www.freedomwithwriting.com/freedom/uncategorized/7-publishers-that-pay-for-short-stories/
Online resources for reading and creating flash fiction:
https://bookriot.com/2018/06/18/flash-fiction-stories/ http://www.smokelong.com/six-flash-fictions-with-great-endings/ https://lithub.com/11-very-short-stories-you-must-read-immediately/ https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/13/flash-fiction_n_5481868.html https://thejohnfox.com/flash-fiction-submissions/ https://bookriot.com/2017/11/21/flash-fiction-by-women/ http://www.castlegatepress.com/four-elements-that-every-flash-fiction-story-needs/
https://www.newyorker.com/books/flash-fiction https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/flash-fiction/361614/ https://www.writermag.com/improve-your-writing/fiction/best-flash-fiction/
https://blog.reedsy.com/what-is-flash-fiction/ https://medium.com/@joannasmith008/everything-you-need-to-know-about-flash-fiction-29e2513b4f4a
https://commaful.com/ https://electricliterature.com/the-state-of-flash-fiction-80658ac03c6e
Prompts for teen writers (from The Write Practice)
1. A teen wakes up with no memory, only to realize they're a crucial part of a hidden rebellion.
2. Two strangers with clashing personalities are chosen as partners for a life-or-death competition.
3. A girl discovers a magical object that grants her one extraordinary wish, but it will cost her dearly.
4. In a dystopian world, a group of teens forms an underground society fighting against oppression.
5. A teenager finds a secret portal that leads to parallel universes, each with a different danger.
6. A high school outcast uncovers a dark secret that threatens the safety of their entire town.
7. A young artist's paintings come to life, blurring the line between fantasy and reality.
8. A teenager with the ability to control dreams discovers a sinister plot targeting dreamers.
9. A group of teens trapped in a haunted house must uncover its dark history to escape.
10. A girl receives anonymous messages predicting future events, but some foretell tragedy.
11. In a world where emotions are forbidden, a rebellious teen discovers the power of love.
12.A young musician finds an enchanted instrument that brings both fame and danger.
13.A teenager discovers they can communicate with animals and embarks on a quest to save them.
14.A young witch struggles to control her powers while attending a prestigious magical academy.
15. Two teens accidentally switch bodies and must navigate each other's lives to find a way back.
16.A girl with the ability to heal others discovers she can also absorb their pain.
17. In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of teens forms a band of scavengers searching for hope.
18. A teenager uncovers a secret society of time travelers and becomes entangled in their mission.
19.A young hacker stumbles upon a conspiracy that threatens to control people's thoughts and actions.
20. A teenager inherits a house from a distant relative, but it comes with some peculiar conditions.
21.Two best friends uncover a hidden treasure map, leading them on a thrilling adventure to unlock a long-lost secret.
22. An aspiring athlete must overcome a career-threatening injury and find the strength to pursue their dreams.
23. A teenager with the ability to see ghosts must help a restless spirit find peace and solve their unfinished business.
24. In a world where dreams can be manipulated, a teenager with vivid nightmares must confront their deepest fears.
25. A teen's everyday life at their parents' coffee shop is disrupted by an unruly customer who claims to know the truth of the parents' identities.
Newbury Award Winning Books:
Twisty Tales for Teens:
500 Ironic Stories for Teens:
30 Teenage Stories:
Moral Stories for Teens:
31 Best Classic Short Stories for Middle School Students
Classic Stories for Young Authors
* The Three Little Pigs
* Little Red Riding Hood
* The Velveteen Rabbit
* Jack and the Beanstalk
* The Tales of Peter Rabbit
* The Elves and the Shoemaker
* The Boogy Beast
* Winnie the Pooh
* My Father's Dragon
* St. George and the Dragon
* Snow White
* Cinderella
* Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
* The Tortoise and the Hare
* The Gingerbread Man
* The Little Thief in the Pantry
* The Ugly Duckling
* Thumbelina
* The Bremen Town Musicians
* Alice in Wonderland
* The Ant and the Grasshopper
* Aesop's Fables
* The Reluctant Dragon
* The Emperor's New Clothes
* The Princess and the Pea
* Hans Christian Andersen
* Rapunzel
* The Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
* Five Little Pigs
* Old Mother Goose and Her Son Jack
* Grimm's Fairy Tales
* Hansel and Gretel
* The Little Mermaid
* The Snow Image: A Childish Miracle
* Father Frost
* The Snow Queen
* How the Moon Became Beautiful
* The Paradise of Children
* The Little Match Girl
* Huckleberry
* The Zig Zag Railroad
* The Celebrated Jumping Frog
Suggested readings by short story masters:
* Read a story by Edgar Allan Poe at: https://americanliterature.com/author/edgar-allan-poe
* Read a story by Anton Chekhov at: http://bit.ly/2zoI2k9
* Read a story by Mark Twain at: https://americanliterature.com/twenty-great-american-short-stories
* Read a short story by J.D. Salinger at: https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/salinger-in-our-archives
* Read The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry at http://bit.ly/2h0LB6d and also the analysis at http://bit.ly/2h0LB6d
* Read another short story by O. Henry at: https://americanliterature.com/short-short-stories
* Read two stories at: 75 Short Short Stories at: https://americanliterature.com/short-short-stories
* Read a short story by P.G. Wodehouse at: https://bit.ly/2NrNua3
* Read The Case of the Perfect Maid Agatha Christie at: https://bit.ly/2t6n1a5
* Read a short story by one of these authors at: https://americanliterature.com/short-short-stories
* Read Before the Law by Franz Kafka at: https://bit.ly/1INI82o
* Read a short story by one of these American writers at: https://americanliterature.com/twenty-great-american-short-stories
* Read Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Arabian Nights at: https://bit.ly/2NrqVlP
* Read a short story by Arthur Conan Doyle at: https://bit.ly/2BTMeeI
* Read a story by Flannery O’Connor at: https://bit.ly/2uCbHlJ
* Read a story by Woody Allen at: https://bit.ly/2ME2Xr4
* Read a short story by Alice Munro at: https://lithub.com/25-alice-munro-stories-you-can-read-online-right-now/
* Read a short story by Phillip K. Dick at: https://philipdick.com/resources/web-sites/short-stories-online/
* Read a short story by Katherine Mansfield at: https://interestingliterature.com/2017/05/the-best-katherine-mansfield-short-stories-everyone-should-read/